

25.00 JOD
المؤلف :
رمز المنتج 9789957539474
الوزن 928 غرام
الأبعاد 31 سم * 22 سم
حالة التوفر : 998
شوهد 6809 مرة

وصف الكتاب

This book is a collection of Vibrant paintings and writing in prose and poetry on themes of the bridges which exist in history and up to the present time between Europe and the Levant region. With Crusaders, Ottomans, French and British mandates and historic agreements fulfilled and unfulfilled, it is important to understand the past and to consider responsibilities for the  present strife affecting the Levant region and the whole world. 

The book can be enjoyed for its colourful paintings, many of Somerset in and around the cities of Wells and Bath, some of Italy and Greece and many of Jordan and its magnificent archaeology and heritage. It is hoped that the book will also encourage readers to reflect on where we are at this point in history and to focus on harmony, understanding and solutions. Music and art bring us all together, as the two artists and ten writers contributing to this book demonstrate.

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